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헝가리 오피스

삼성SDS 헝가리는 창고 및 유통, 화물 운송 및 부가서비스 등의 다양한 물류 서비스로 고객에게 효율적인 공급망 솔루션을 제공합니다.   

*Branchs and Warehouse

"Due to its geographical position, Hungary occupies an exceptional central position in Europe. By offering easy access to all parts of Europe by road, sea, air and rail transport, we're able to provide efficient and tailor-made logistic services." 

- Hosol Choi - Country Manager Hungary

* Personnel and facility hours

Monday - Friday: 08:30 am - 17:00 pm 

Time zone Hungary: UCT +1 (winter), UCT +2 (summer)

* Main Services or Products

Logistics services 

Ocean freight (FCL, LCL), Road freight, Warehousing and Distribution, Logistics consultancy and Value-added-services. 

* Contact us (Location / Tel / E-mail)

Samsung SDS Hungary 

Gateway Office Park Dunavirag utca 2. I. torony. Ihaz. 5. em. 54 1138 Budapest, Hungary