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Expert Column Importance of Data Management

Registration dateFEB 27, 2024


The globalization of trade and the rise of outsourcing have led to increasingly complex and interconnected supply chains. Components and raw materials now routinely cross multiple international borders before final assembly. While this has allowed companies to reduce costs and focus on core competencies, it has also increased supply chain vulnerabilities. Disruptions in one part of the supply network can rapidly cascade across the entire chain.

Natural disasters, political upheavals, labor disputes, and other unforeseen events can suddenly halt production at a key supplier, creating ripple effects downstream. For example, the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan led to shortages of critical automotive parts and electronics components around the world. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic caused massive supply and demand shocks across every industry.

To build resilient supply chains that can rapidly recover from disruptions, companies need real-time visibility into all the nodes and links. This requires capturing, integrating, and analyzing data from myriad sources across a globally distributed network. Manual data collection and spreadsheet-based analysis are no longer adequate in the era of globalized supply chains.

The Need for Centralized Data Management

To gain end-to-end supply chain visibility, companies need to implement centralized data management systems that integrate information flows from all network participants. This includes internal data from sales, marketing, manufacturing, procurement, logistics, and finance, as well as external data from suppliers, contract manufacturers, logistics providers, channel partners, and customers.

Ideally, the data management system should be underpinned by a cloud-based platform that enables seamless information sharing across the entire supply network. Standardized data formats and protocols allow disparate systems to communicate with each other. All network partners can input and access data on a real-time basis.

The centralized data system can then be analyzed using advanced analytics programs, including artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. The insights derived from this analysis are critical for identifying emerging supply chain risks and vulnerabilities.

For example, an AI algorithm may detect that shipments from a certain supplier have been gradually slowing over the past two weeks, signaling a potential disruption. The procurement team can then proactively find alternate sources of supply before the situation turns into a crisis. 

Enabling Rapid Response to Disruptions


The centralized data management architecture provides several key advantages when supply chain disruptions occur. Firstly, with real-time data feeds, problem areas can be identified almost immediately rather than after lengthy delays under manual reporting systems. The faster a disruption is detected, the quicker mitigation plans can be activated.

Second, the analytical capabilities help determine the root causes of disruptions so that proper countermeasures can be implemented. If a supplier shutdown is due to a labor dispute, the response plan will be different than if it is from a natural disaster.

Third, the extensive data foundation enables scenario planning and risk mitigation analysis. For instance, production planners can rapidly evaluate alternate supply sources, production locations, transportation routes, and inventory policies to create workable contingency plans. 

Finally, centralized data provides transparency and facilitates collaboration across the supply network. Rather than having each company reacting separately, the unified data architecture allows partners to launch coordinated responses to disruptions in a synchronized manner. This greatly increases the speed at which supply chain operations can return to normal. 

The Digital Supply Chain of the Future

Looking ahead, companies will need to make their supply chains even smarter and more responsive by exploiting emerging digital technologies. Blockchain has the potential to provide tamper-proof shared ledgers to track goods and transactions. Advanced sensors can enable continuous monitoring of product conditions and assets. Autonomous logistics assets like drones and robots can add flexibility.

However, these technologies will require even greater volumes of data to be collected and analyzed in real time. As such, centralized data management will be more critical than ever. Companies that invest in building the digital supply chain now will have a substantial competitive advantage as Industry 4.0 becomes a reality.


In summary, centralized data management provides the foundation for supply chain resilience in today's complex global business environment. By enabling real-time visibility, rapid detection of disruptions, informed response planning, and collaborative execution, it allows companies to minimize the impact of unexpected events. As supply chain risks continue to multiply, firms need to make data-driven, intelligent supply chains a top strategic priority. 

About Cello Square

Cello Square is a digital freight forwarding service, developed by Samsung SDS. The platform provides end-to-end visibility and optimal routing of logistics transport with a simple booking process. Features range from real-time quotations, chat functions to dashboards reflecting operation insights. Cello Square is used by leading companies from various industries to optimize supply chain stages and enhance system capability. 

Samsung SDS is a provider of Digital Logistic Services, establishing strong logistical capabilities across the world. Our global network spans across 36 countries with 53 international branches. We provide comprehensive IT-enabled services optimized to respective areas of Global Logistics, reliably handling the world’s 10th largest volume of air and ocean cargo. Speak with us today to optimize your supply chain operations.

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